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Telephone reading

Thank you ever so much for your support and guidance…


A telephone reading is perfect for you if you enjoy the comfort of your own home, but would still like a personal reading with a friendly voice on the other end.

If you’ve never had a phone reading before, you might want to write down some questions or topics you’d like to discuss, beforehand. You can focus on questions, such as:

  • ‘Will he come back?’
  • ‘Should I launch my business this year?’
  • ‘Is my partner honest with me?’

You can choose to ask about topics, such as:

  • Romance
  • Career
  • Health
  • Fertility
  • Future
  • Family

...anything that comes to mind really!

Or you can simply have a general reading and then go with the flow.

  • The reading itself will be informative, detailed and relaxed. You should feel as if you’re talking to an old friend.
  • There is no pressure on you to reveal anything at all - you’re welcome to sit silent the whole reading if you like. But it flows better in the form of a conversation.
  • Phone readings are available most evenings - but it’s best to book in advance as spaces do fill up.
  • If you need a longer or a shorter reading, it’s no problem - just let me know what suits you best.

For bespoke readings, go ahead and transfer our agreed value directly to www.paypal.me/inbaal

What people say...

Thank you for the help and advice, the reading was most interesting and accurate.

Just thought id send you an email to say that i think your work is fantastic and you are such a lovely person, i had a reading live on air awhile ago with you and you said that i will be working as a psychic, well i am just about to start working on a live psychic telephone service doing tarot readings!! which i am very pleased about, thank you so much for all your advice... you once said about a Scorpio and that they sometimes want to run someone over and i text in to say that my ex was a Scorpio and Im a Gemini and he ran me over... once again thanks for all your support and Ill look forward to chatting to you soon

…Thankyou for your insight…

Sent out about four times a year, I do not share you info with third parties, you can unsubscribe at an time.